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Legislation, legislative initiative, the right of legislative initiative, subjects with the right of legislative initiative, a bill, the Oliy Majlis, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, parliamentaries, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.


The article concerns the subjects with the right of legislative initiative, it is proposed to expand the range of subjects with the right of legislative initiative, which are vested with authority to draft bills and submit them to the parliament, to grant the authority over legislative initiative to members of the upper house and, thus, to amend some domestic legislative acts. Furthermore, to date, drawing on the experience of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of legal drafting, members of the Senate annually draft more than a dozen bills on average, in the light of the dialogue with the people and by committees on issues determined within the framework of parliamentary oversight. These bills are submitted to the bodies that have the right of legislative initiative for their consideration. It is substantiated that granting members of the Senate the right of legislative initiative and the activity of the Senate in the legislative process increase the efficiency of performance in ensuring a balance of state and regional interests at the initial stage of reading bills. In addition, the author studied the experience of foreign countries such as the United States, France, Spain, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and other countries in this area and put forward recommendations on modifyi

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