This article contains information on the social danger of a crime provided for in Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the need to establish criminal liability for illegal exit or entry into the Republic of Uzbekistan, legal procedures for exit and entry into the Republic of Uzbekistan. One of the aggravating circumstances was the analysis of the act provided for by subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of Article 223 of the Criminal Code, and the development of proposals for improving the legislation.
1. Мирзиёев Ш.М. Миллий тараққиёт йўлимизни қатъият билан давом эттириб, янги босқичга кўтарамиз. Т.1. – Тошкент: Ўзбекистон, 2017. (Mirziyoev Sh.M. We will resolutely continue our path of national development and raise it to a new level. T.1. - Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2017)
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4. Ўзбекистон юридик энциклопедияси. / Нашр учун масъул: Р.А.Муҳитдиновва бошқ. / Масъул муҳаррир: Н.Тойчиев. – Тошкент: Адолат, 2011. (Legal Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. / Responsible for publication: R.A. Muhitdinov et al. / Responsible editor: N.Toychiev. - Tashkent: Adolat, 2011).
5. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг “Давлат чегараси тўғрисида”ги Қонуни. 820-I-сон 20.08.1999. // URL: https://lex.uz/docs/31166 (Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On State Border". 820-I-сон 20.08.1999. // URL: https://lex.uz/docs/31166.
6. Рустамбаев М.Ҳ. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Жиноят ҳуқуқи курси. Т.4. Махсус қисм. Иқтисодиёт соҳасидаги жиноятлар. Экология соҳасидаги жиноятлар. Ҳокимият, бошқарув ва жамоат бирлашмалари органларининг фаолият тартибига қарши жиноятлар: Дарслик. – Тошкент: Илм Зиё, 2011. (RustambaevM.H. Course of Criminal Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. T.4. Special section. Crimes in the field of economics. Crimes in the field of ecology. Crimes against the order of activity of the bodies of power, administration and public associations: Textbook. - Tashkent: Ilm Ziyo, 2011)