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Combating crime, international cooperation, international criminal legislation, extradition, criminal group, criminal community, law enforcement agencies, analysis of international standards, and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.


This scientific article provides a systematic analysis of the international legal basis for cooperation in the fight against crime. In the article, the author tried to highlight the theoretical aspects of the issue of international cooperation of law enforcement agencies in the system of combating crime. It also analyzes the content and essence of the concepts of «international criminal group» and «international criminal community», which are considered relevant today. The author's comparative analysis on international conventions, declarations and legislation of foreign countries reflected the specifics of this article. Moreover, the relevance of the research topic is because the commission of such crimes is characterized by the use of modern technical means and high-tech facilities of air and land transport, a high transcontinental level of organization and real support of many, including illegal, financial sources. The predicted result of such activities was a significant increase in the number of serious crimes of a transnational nature

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