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state needs, inviolability of property, the basis for the forced termination of property rights, the procedure for the seizure of land for state needs, termination of property rights in court, compensation provided to the owner, market price, guarantee of the rights of owners, the system of protection of the owner's rights.


Under the conditions of New Uzbekistan, the guarantee of private property rights is being strengthened worldwide. At the same time, there are topical problems in this area that are waiting for their solution. This is clearly evident in the procedure for the seizure of land for state and public interests. When demolishing real estate in certain territories, the termination of the right of ownership of a minority of owners who do not agree with this is carried out in court. This scientific article analyzes this procedure and offers a number of scientific recommendations for improving the protection of the rights of owners. In particular, the failure to differentiate the group of owners into the majority of those who agree and the minority of those who disagree is substantiated. It is argued that each individual owner should be provided with a full guarantee of ensuring his rights.

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