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Europe; material damage; intangible damage, moral damage; subject; amount of moral damage, individual; reputation; dignity, working reputation, pain, mental deficiency.


This article examines and makes a comparative analysis of legal acts and judicial practice aimed at resolving issues of compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the legislation of Italy and Belgium. As a result of the study, the need for compensation for moral harm was justified in proportion to such non-material harms as pain, disability, being deprived of life amenities, etc. In these countries, when compensating for non-pecuniary damage, special attention is paid to such factors as the type of injury and its severity, the level of disability of the victim and the deprivation of his life comforts, the death of children as a result of serious and long-term injuries, the loss of a loved one.In such states as Italy and Belgium, the system of compensation for non-pecuniary damage works perfectly.This shows that the property and non property rights of citizens are fully protected in these states.

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