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terrorism, international treaty, convention, UN, CIS, SCO.


The article analyzes the legal nature of the main international treaties regulating the fight against terrorism, the specifics of fixing the crime of terrorism in regional international treaties. The author discusses the modern threat of the crime of terrorism, the consequences of its occurrence in various forms, as well as the need for cooperation of states at the regional level on these issues. In particular, on the basis of the documents on international cooperation in the fight against terrorism adopted in the CIS and the SCO, they should clearly define their areas, the mechanism of cooperation and issues of its improvement. In particular, the need is emphasized for a clear definition of their areas, the mechanism of cooperation and issues of its improvement, based on the documents adopted by the CIS and the SCO on international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. In conclusion of the article, he puts forward several proposals for improving cooperation between States in the fight against terrorism.

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