This article discusses the prospects for the development of legislation in the field of digital banking. The state of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding digital banking is analyzed. The experience of such countries with developed economies as The United States of America, The People's Republic of China has been studied. It is established that in the banking system of the studied countries, cardinal changes in the organization of monetary circulation occurred after the use of electronic computing technology in the implementation of mutual settlements and payments, which significantly affected the subsequent development of digital banking. In the course of the implementation of the Internet banking mechanism, a regulatory framework was prepared, as well as appropriate amendments and additions were made to a number of laws of the foreign countries under consideration regulating banking activities. In the course of the study, some points were identified that in one way or another are an artificial barrier to the development of digital banking. The conducted research determined that the improvement of legislation in the field of digital transformation and business processes will lead to an increase in the investment attractiveness of the country and create conditions for improving business.
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