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directions of state policy on family, youth, education, crime, youth.


The issues of strengthening the role of the family in the prevention of youth crime were highlighted. Аlso there are the views of the greatest thinkers, cooperation between family and educational system, youth upbringing, ensuring family reinforcement in the country, the existence of a separate chapter on the family in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the role of parents, teachers and coaches in the upbringing of young people, strengthening the role and place of the family in the society, adoption of national values, forming healthy cultural-spiritual sphere, forming healthy daily routine among the youth, making up the meaningful free time and mass development of the youth sport, commitment of uzbek families to national traditions, upbringing young people’s sense of patriotism, citizenship, respect for the law and national values, forming strong beliefs to unnecessary, harmful stream and impact, making strong beliefs for life in the mind of youth, wide attracting young people to entrepreneurship, development legal consciousness and legal culture of youth and realization of state youth policy.

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