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information, freedom of information, right to information, information exchange, information age, information society, freedom of speech, natural right, mass media.


In this scientific article, the concept, essence, legal aspects and guarantees of information were scientifically analyzed from the point of view of legislation. Definitions of information have been reviewed. The impact of information in today's era of globalization has been evaluated. The role and importance of a relatively new right, that is, the right to information, was scientifically substantiated. Various definitions and approaches of foreign scientists to the concept of information were analyzed. It became known that scientists have different approaches to the concept of information and their definitions of information differ from each other. This analysis and presented opinions create a basis for ensuring the freedom of the right to receive information in our country, and this process serves the development of the state and society. In the article, the norms of the law regulating the information sector were discussed. Deficiencies in the field of information dissemination were also identified. Proposals were made to improve the legislation.

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