This article identifies and explores the main problems associated with the law enforcement practice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on issues of parallel imports, substantiates the need to introduce this term into the national legislation with its definition. The problems that arise for investors who want to enter our market in various areas are considered. The regimes of exhaustion of intellectual property rights, as well as the exclusive right to use and dispose of a trademark in national legislation are considered. Situations that directly negatively affect the inflow of foreign investment and the development of the country's export potential are described. Analyzed systemic problems in the field of application of legal acts that regulate the issues of parallel imports (exhaustion of intellectual property rights) directly in practice, including the situation in the judicial sphere. Such concepts as "parallel import", "gray import", "counterfeit" and the existing differences between them are analyzed. The article gives an example of why the practical application of the principle of international exhaustion of trademark rights has a negative impact on the state of the economy and the investment climate in our country.
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