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pre-investigation check, specialist, special knowledge, use of specialized knowledge in the investigation of crimes, written opinion of a specialist, procedural status of a specialist, samples for comparison.


The article examines the functions of a specialist – a person with special knowledge during a pre-investigation check, the essence of the specialist's special knowledge and the procedural status of a specialist. Based on the results of the analysis of the scientific views of theoretical scientists on these issues, it is concluded that the current CPC does not define an independent procedural position of a specialist and his right to give an opinion, as well as the procedure for questioning a specialist. Based on the analysis of the norms reflecting the activities of a specialist established by the Criminal Procedure Code, it is based on the fact that his activities are divided into several areas and that his written comments are not provided for as the duties of a specialist. In order to further enhance the role of a specialist in the process of proof, to provide practical assistance to the investigator in the processes of proof, to further improve the activities for the disclosure and prevention of crimes, it is proposed to introduce in articles 70, 81 and 87 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan “inviting a specialist and obtaining his written opinion” and in articles 90 and 91 the concept of “written opinion of a specialist”, as well as to introduce a new article “Written opinion of a specialist”.

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