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Islamic law, encouraging citizens to do business, trade, handicrafts, the Holy Qur'an, Hadith, rights of dhimmis, security, Shariah requirements, zakat tax, offenses against entrepreneurs, types of responsibility, punishment, applying to court.


In the article, according to Islamic law, the role of doing entrepreneurship in the life of a Muslim, its positive importance and encouraging citizens to do entrepreneurship, the guarantees of the right of Muslims and non-Muslims living in the territory of the Islamic state to do entrepreneurship based on the works of Muslim jurists, the hadiths of Muhammad (PBUH) is given. Requirements for Muslims and non-Muslims to engage in entrepreneurship, the norms they must obey, the type of entrepreneurship they engage in, the requirements imposed on their products, the types of taxes imposed on entrepreneurs and their amounts, and the control of the activities of those engaged in entrepreneurship and trade information provided. In the article, the types of responsibility for violating the procedures for doing entrepreneurship according to Islamic law, obstructing the activities of entrepreneurs by others and causing property damage to them, types of entrepreneurship, requirements for entrepreneurs, responsibility for violating their rights, control over the activities of entrepreneurs, violation the responsibility of the entrepreneurs, the procedure for protecting their rights through the court are described.

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