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искусственный интеллект, интеллектуальная собственность, технология, авторское право.


The article examines the current problems in the field of intellectual property related to the use of artificial intelligence. With the development of artificial intelligence technologies, difficulties arise in determining the status of works created by these systems. One of the key issues is to determine the authorship of such works and their legal status within the framework of existing copyright laws.

Existing copyright laws, as a rule, presuppose the existence of a physical author of a creative work. However, in the context of artificial intelligence, there is a need to reconsider this approach. The question of whether the authorship of artificial intelligence should be recognized or attributed to a human programmer remains unresolved.

The reference to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan underlines the relevance of the topic under discussion in the context of international legal norms and practice. The article also discussed the opinions of foreign scientists.

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