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преступность, геоинформационные технологии, прогнозирование преступности, навигационные спутниковые системы, программные обеспечения, скрининг системы.


The article discusses the concept and essence of geographic information technologies, the role and significance of their use in criminological crime forecasting, in addition, the existing advantages, gaps and disadvantages in the use of foreign experience of countries in the practice of crime forecasting in our country, the significance of using these methods, the need to study factors influencing the use of this method in our republic, the stages and requirements for the use of these methods, the importance of criminological forecasting in planning activities aimed at crime prevention, further improvement of the system of criminological crime forecasting, which consists of developing proposals and recommendations aimed at crime prevention. The article also presents and widely studies the experience of foreign countries such as the USA, Russia, China, the European Union, and Kazakhstan.

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