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кўздан кечириш, тергов ҳаракати, транспорт воситалларини кўздан кечириш, рақамли маълумотларни кўздан кечириш, ҳодиса содир бўлган жой, далил.


This article discusses issues such as objects and types of investigative examination, similarities and differences between types of investigative examination, and their features. In particular, the norms relating to various objects of investigative examination and investigative actions defined in the current criminal procedural legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the connection between these norms and theoretical views have been comparatively studied. The article discusses practical and theoretical aspects of investigative actions, such as examination of the crime scene, corpses, animals, environment, buildings, objects and documents. Also, based on the results of the study, scientific and theoretical conclusions and proposals were made aimed at improving our national legislation, in particular, taking into account that the list of examination objects specified in the current legislation does not meet the requirements of the modern days and is incomplete, as digital data and vehicles are not considered as objects of examination according to the current laws.

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