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international transport corridor, place in the system of international law, international economic law, international trade law, international transport law, international customs law.


International transport corridors (ITC) have a special place in the global economy, which are designed to ensure regular international transportation and transit of goods in the most efficient way, which requires detailed regulation of international legal relations between the countries participating in the corridor. In order to understand the nature of international legal regulation of the ITC, it is first necessary to identify the areas of international law regulating the ITC. This article attempts to identify the place of the institution of international transport corridors in the system of international law. Based on a modest study, the author concludes that the ITC can be called a truly unique institution, which is simultaneously regulated by the norms of multiple areas of international economic law, while having an inextricable relationship between them. According to the author, the ITC as a whole is an institution of international economic law.

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