Мазкур мақолада мамлакатимизда фаол инвестициявий сиёсатини амалга ошириш, бу борада Президентимизнинг 2020 йилги Мурожаатномасида белгиланган асосий вазифалар ҳамда замонавий инвестиция қонунчилигига оид масалалар қўриб чиқилди. Шунингдек, Ўзбекистон Республикасининг “Инвестициялар ва инвестициявий фаолият тўғрисида”ги Қонунининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари ва аввалги қонунчилик ҳужжатларидан фарқли жиҳатлари таҳлил қилинди. Бундан ташқари, мақолада қулай инвестиция муҳити ва замонавий инвестиция сиёсатининг асосий омилларини қайд этиш орқали нима сабабли айнан Ўзбекистонга инвестиция киритиш мақбуллиги тўғрисидаги саволга жавоб беришга ҳаракат қилинди.
Библиографические ссылки
1. Why invest in Uzbekistan? The Investment promotion Agency under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan. https://invest.gov.uz/investor/uzbekistan-is-a-resource.
2. Doing Business 2020. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The World Bank 2020.http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/688761571934946384/pdf/Doing-Business-2020-Comparing-Business-Regulation-in-190-Economies.pdf.
3. Strategy actions in five priority areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021. https://strategy.uz/index.php?static=prioritetnye_napravleniya.
4. Text of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s Address to the Oliy Majlis. 24.01.2020. https://president.uz/en/lists/view/3324.
5. The World Investment Report 2019. UNCTAD. https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ wir2019 en.pdf.
6. Country fact sheet: Uzbekistan 2019 UNCTAD. https://unctad.org/Sections/dite_dir/docs/WIR2019/wir19_fs_uz_en.pdf.
7. National Legislation Database, 02.08.2018, 06/18/5495/1611. https://lex.uz/docs/3845273.
8. National Legislation Database, 11.10.2019, 06/19/5848/3901. https://lex.uz/docs/4182345.
9. National Legislation Database, 20.12.2018, 07/18/4067/2354. https://lex.uz/docs/4117465.
10. National Legislation Database, 13.11.2019, 06/19/5881/4045. https://lex.uz/docs/4312752.
11. National Legislation Database, 10.01.2020, 07/20/4563/0034. https://lex.uz/docs/4689644.
12. National Legislation Database, 26.12.2019, 03/19/598/4221.https://www.lex.uz/docs/4751834.
13. These Laws these laws are no longer in force from January 27, 2020 in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 25, 2019 No. LRU-598 “On Investments and Investment Activities”.
14. B. Legum. “Defining Investment and Investor: Who is Entitled to Claim?” presentation at the Symposium “Making the Most of International Investment Agreements: A Common Agenda” co-organised by ICSID, OECD and UNCTAD, 12 December 2005, Paris.
15. B. Samarkhodjaev. Investment Law. UWED, 2014.
16. Stephan W. Schill. International Investment Law and the Rule of Law. Singapore: Academy Publishing, 2015. P. 87.
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18. G. Schwartz, B. Clements. Government subsidies. Journal of Economic Surveys, Volume 13, Issue 2. 2008, pp. 119-147 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-6419.00079
19. Jinshuai Hua, Haiyan Jiang, Mark Holmes. Government subsidies and corporate investment efficiency: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Review. Volume 41, December 2019, 100658. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ememar.2019.100658
20. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Mediation”. National Legislation Database, 5.01.2020, 03/20/602/0052.https://lex.uz/docs/4407205
21. UZBEKISTAN: FOREIGN INVESTMENT. Export Entreprises SA, May 2020. https://santandertrade.com/en/portal/establish-overseas/uzbekistan/investing?&actualiser_id _banque =oui&id_banque=0&memoriser_choix=memoriser
22. INVESTMENT GUIDE TO UZBEKISTAN 2009. United Nations Development Program Country Office for Uzbekistan, 2009. https://www.theiguides.org/guides/uzbekistan.pdf