Ушбу мақолада инвестиция фаолияти субъектлари тушунчаси, уларнинг турлари ва умумий тавсифи баён этилган. Мақолада инвестиция фаолияти субъекти, инвестиция фаолиятининг иштирокчиси, жисмоний шахс, фуқаро, якка тартибдаги тадбиркор, юридик шахс, резидент, инвестор, пудратчи, капитал қўйилма объектларидан фойдаланувчи тушунчалари алоҳида-алоҳида таъриф берилиб, янги ва эски таҳрирдаги инвестициялар ва инвестиция фаолияти тўғрисидаги қонун ҳужжатлари қиёсий таҳлил қилинган.
Библиографические ссылки
1. Adress of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis of January 24, 2020 // https://president.uz/uz/lists/view/3324.
2. A.V. Vedernikov.Foreign investment in the Russian Federation. Legal aspects: Dissertation abstract. … Candidate of Legal Sciences. Yekaterinburg, 2004. P. 11. (Ведерников А.В. Иностранные инвестиции в Российской Федерации. Правовые аспекты: Автореф. дис. …канд. юрид. наук. Екатеринбург, 2004. С. 11)
3. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Investments and Investment Activities” adopted December 25, 2019 // National database of legislation, December 26, 2019, No.03/19/598/4221.
4. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On investment activity” adopted December 9, 2014 // Collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2014., No.50, Article 587; National database of legislation, July 27, 2018, No.03/18/488/1579.
5. Investment law: textbook / V.V. Gushin, A.A. Ovchinnikov. – 2nd edition. Reworked and added: ESKMO; Moscow; 2009. (Инвестиционное право : учебник / В. В. Гущин, А.А.Овчинников. – изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп.: Эксмо; Москва; 2009)
6. B.B. Samarxodjayev.Problems of legal regulation of investment relations in the Republic of Uzbekistan (international private law aspect): Dissertation abstract. …Doctoroflegalofsciences. Tashkent, 2003.
7. A.V. Mayfat. Civil law investment designs. Monography. P. 104.
8. A.M. Lapteva. The concept and types of subjects of investment activity. Scientific article.Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. 2014. № 1.
9. The Law of the Republic of Uzbeksitan “On Citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan” adopted on March 13, 2020 in new edition. // National database of legislation, March 14, 2020, No.03/20/610/0299.
10. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On guarantees of freedom of entrepreneurial activity” adopted on May 2, 2012 in new edition // National database of legislation, March 21, 2019, No.03/19/531/2799, December 12, 2019, No.03/19/592/4144; January 8, 2020, No.03/20/601/0025
11. The Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan // National database of legislation, December 31, 2019, No.02/19/СК/4256; March 11, 2020, No.03/20/607/0279.
12. The Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan // ttps://lex.uz/docs/111189
13. The Law of the Russian Federation on “On investment activities in the form of capital investments in the Russian Federation” adopted on February 25, 1999 //http://pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102058332&rdk=&firstDoc=1&lastDoc=1.