In this article, the author examines the development of digital technologies, the development of the electronic notary system in the current period, national and international experience in this field, the work carried out in recent years to create an electronic notary system. The existence of hypotheses that a global pandemic of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) will occur in 2020 and that new infections unknown to humanity may arise in the future due to climate change is expected to accelerate the digitization of all areas of the world as quickly as possible, work on archiving and other data in the form of data that will be available in the future. Based on this, it is necessary to accelerate the digitization of almost all spheres, including the notary sphere. The first steps in this direction have already been taken in our country, and based on the best practices of foreign countries, it is necessary to accelerate this process, create its organizational and legal foundations and improve existing ones. At the same time, developed foreign countries are also obliged to work on the creation of an electronic notary system at a time when there is a careful attitude to the digitization of the notary sphere, which includes the "golden mean". The article analyzes the current state of the electronic notary on a global and national scale. Opinions are also expressed about its prospects.
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