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Artificial intelligence, healthcare, liability regime, medical negligence, liability of artificial intelligence, standard for the use of artificial intelligence, liability of a medical institution.


In this article, the authors examine the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Practical methods of analyzing basic data that help medical professionals make more grounded decisions, as well as an issue of interest to the legal community, are considered: how Artificial intelligence should be treated appropriately in relation to the courts and its regulation. Moreover, the authors have studied the main reasons for the liability of Artificial intelligence in the healthcare system. Predictable liability regime (insurance), Product liability Regime, as well as the Regime of Future Achievements have been analyzed. In addition, the issues of negligence of medical personnel and institutions have been discussed. Likewise, proposals for the development of the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, as well as the development of a certain standard for the use of Artificial intelligence in healthcare have been developed.

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