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contract for carriage of goods, real, consensual, road transport, system, international transportation.


This article studies the concept, types and system of contracts for the international carriage of goods by road. It gives the opinions of various scientists on the theoretical aspects of the contract for the carriage of goods, as well as an analysis of the features of the contract for the international carriage of goods by road. The consensusual or real features of the contract for the carriage of goods and other related contracts are at the center of the analysis given in the article below. An analysis of the scientific researches on the legal nature of the contract for the international carriage of goods shows the existence of different views in the science of civil law. Despite the fact  that there are many valuable scientific works on the  given topic, the article concludes that in Uzbekistan there is not enough attention to the generalization of scientific research regarding the legal regulation of the contract for the carriage of goods by certain modes of transport, in particular by road.

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