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human rights, protection of human rights, judicial control, principles of judiciary, administrative justice.


The article reveals the concept of "human rights and protection of human rights", where an important place in ensuring the rule of law, protecting rights and freedoms from violations by the state belongs to judicial control, namely, through administrative justice. At the same time, the democratic principles of legal proceedings, such as submission only to the law, publicity, adversarial process, investigation of all the circumstances of the case, legal guarantees to participants in the process, and others, are generally recognized advantages of administrative proceedings. The purpose of this article is to study and compare the principles of administrative justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, which are a guarantee of the realization of the rights of citizens through appealing against actions, decisions of state administration bodies, officials and civil servants. Due to the fact that administrative justice in Kazakhstan began to function quite recently - from July 1, 2021, we are interested in the experience of judicial control by the administrative justice of Uzbekistan, in particular, the effectiveness of the principles of this legal proceedings.

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