In the article, on the example of domestic practice and international standards and recommendations, the features and necessary elements of the implementation of the “compliance control” system as a preventive measure to combat corruption in the activities of the public and private sectors are considered. It should be said that in recent years, the state policy of Uzbekistan in the fight against corruption has been focused on the adoption of new preventive measures aimed at eliminating the causes of corruption, and not the consequences of corruption. In this direction, one of the preventive measures used in our domestic practice is the effectiveness of the the “compliance control” system implemented in government organizations, and the achievements achieved in the international framework were highlighted through scientific views. The necessary elements that make up the the “compliance control” system were also analyzed through international recommendations and opinions of scientists and experts. In most cases, it was found that the main direction in the organization of this system is the anti-corruption program and the transparent sale of gifts, hospitality policy, conflicts of interest, identification of counterparties, public procurement. At the end of the article, the author’s conclusions and scientific views on the organization of the activities of the “compliance control” structures, the role of international documents are presented.
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