This article examines in detail the participation of the judiciary in the development of draft laws based on the classification of regulatory legal acts. This article is carried out from the point of view of the existing procedures for the preparation of draft laws and bylaws, their execution in accordance with legal and technical rules, public discussion and agreements with the relevant departments. The article also emphasizes the need to improve the work of regional justice bodies in the field of rule-making, and their implementation of the preparation of draft resolutions adopted by local government bodies. The article puts forward proposals for improving the functional tasks of the justice authorities in the development of draft laws.
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10. Ўзбекистон Республикаси адлия вазирининг 2018 йил 4 майдаги 133-ум-сон буйруғи билан тасждиқланган “Жиззах вилоят адлия бошқармаси тўғрисида”ги НИЗОМ // URL: http://jizzax.adliya.uz/uz/ob-upravlenii/zadachi-funktsii-i-prava/ (Regulations on the Department of Justice of Jizzakh region, approved by the order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan from May 4, 2018 of No. 133 // URL: http://jizzax.adliya.uz/uz/ob-upravlenii/zadachi-funktsii-i-prava/)