This article analyzes the characteristic features of securing the fulfillment of obligations by such contracts that ensure transactions in civil law, such as the sale of goods on credit, payment for goods in installments, rent, property rent with the condition of subsequent redemption, leasing. Collateral transactions play a special role in stabilizing civil compliance and providing financial services. For this reason, securing transactions are viewed as an important legal mechanism for activating the system for selling goods, further supporting the activities of producers and sellers of goods. The author proves that securing transactions, together with methods of securing the fulfillment of an obligation, serve as a guarantee for the fulfillment of a civil debt obligation. In addition, it reveals the priority in securing the interests of the creditor when applying the category of securing transactions, the fulfillment of the obligation under which is carried out at the expense of property transferred because of securing transactions. Proposals are given on the specific definition of the volume and types of collateral transactions in the legislation.
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