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GATS (Xizmatlar savdosiga oid bosh kelishuv), JST (Jahon Savdo Tashkiloti), shartnoma, turizm, xizmatlar, O‘zbekiston.


The research paper analyzes the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization as one of the contractual sources of international law. Analyzing the main aspects of the GATS, the author focuses on the description of tourism services, which is one of its regulatory spheres. It is known that the membership of the Republic of Uzbekistan in this organization will create the responsibility for a comprehensive analysis of the issues of its membership in the future, which will play an important role in the further integration of the country into the world community. Therefore, the article emphasizes the experience of the WTO member countries, the regulation of tourism services, the analysis of its specific aspects. Moreover, the recommendations which should be implemented in the conditions of membership of the organization are proposed.

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