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frustration, frustration doctrine, force majeure, English court decision, charter, charterer, bill of lading, documents of title, appeal, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.


This article considers the decision of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, which recognized the release of the parties from the subsequent performance in the event of the force majeure of the contract. Due to the fact that the performance became impossible and extremely economically unprofitable. It has been established that in countries with the continental system of the law, the institution of frustration has been little studied and requires further research. In this regard, the influence of the Anglo-American legal system on other legal systems in the application of frustration in practice is assessed. It Also, the article attempts to draw an analogy with force majeure circumstances enshrined in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The scientific significance lies in the fact that, by studying foreign judicial practice, one can avoid adverse consequences when using the system of law of another state, having studied the real issue in advance.

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