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partnership, a limited partnership, a kommandit partnership, commenda, accomandita, agreement on a commenda, “community of a common hand”, a limited partner, a secret partnership.


This article carefully analyzes the historical prerequisites for the formation and development of a limited partnership and a kommandit partnership. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively analyze the historical formation of the institution of partnership in different jurisdictions and to study their common and different aspects of historical development in the families of continental and common law. Moreover, the article presents a comparative legal analysis of the characteristics of the historical formation of a limited partnership and a kommandit partnership in accordance with the common and continental legal systems. The present article is based on the analysis of scientific opinions of scientists and the first legal acts regulating partnership relations by applying the retrospective method. The novelty of this article lies in the fact that it reflects a deep and unified analysis of the historical development of limited and limited partnerships, which can serve as a source for writing scientific papers in this field. Moreover, based on the sources studied and the analysis carried out, this article presents conclusions regarding the historical development of a limited partnership and a kommandit partnership in these two legal systems.

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