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real asset, cryptoasset, blockchain, virtual property, virtual currency, cryptocurrency, tokens.


The owner of digital assets considers that he has the characteristics of real property based on the fact that he can own them in the virtual space, use them, and then dispose of them with material benefits. In the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there are gaps that need to be eliminated in the legal regulation of digital assets. In particular, it is necessary to clarify and expand the term "digital assets" in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to introduce a new classification that divides them into virtual property (property rights) and virtual personal non-property benefits and rights related to property rights, and to make appropriate changes to their legal regulation. The fact that the concept of "digital assets" or "economic assets" has been expressed in a number of regulatory documents of foreign countries is considered a good foreign experience for us. There is no legal definition of the term "virtual property". In addition, the concepts of "digital rights (digital asset)", "digital object", "virtual property", "virtual game property" should be distinguished from each other. The use of civil law to regulate digital assets remains fragmented, even with future reforms, and even with the rapid development and integration of blockchain technology in the near future, the practice of creating, implementing and using digital financial assets based on it, digital does not take into account all the functions that financial assets can perform. In this article, the author analyzes national and international legal doctrine and experience to determine the legal status of a digital asset in the legislation of Uzbekistan, and offers suggestions for improving the national legislation.

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