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appeal, application, complaint, proposal, list, resolution, assignment, term, people's reception, strategy, platform, legislative acts.


This article discusses the issues of the period for consideration of applications from individuals and legal entities, the procedure for their extension and reduction, the period for registering applications and making resolutions. Official statistics on the status of consideration of Appeals by state bodies and organizations are presented. The tasks envisaged in the prospects for working with the appeals put forward in the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan are covered. Comparative-legal analysis of some problematic cases associated with administrative and criminal liability for violation of legislation on appeals of individuals and legal entities. The experience of a number of foreign countries regarding the term of consideration of appeals has been studied, a comparative analysis has been carried out with our national legislation and proposals have been put forward.

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6. Complaints overview // URL: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/opengovernment/governmental-bodies/complaints-overview.

7. Complaints and appeals: detailed information // URL: https://www.gov.uk/topic/dealing-with-hmrc/complaints-appeals.

8. Complaining to an ombudsman // URL: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/how-to-use-an-ombudsman-in-england/.

9. On the procedure for consideration of appeals by citizens of the Russian Federation // URL: https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/acc_e/rus_e/wtaccrus48a8_leg_3.pdf.

10. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2018-yil 7-maydagi “Davlat organlarida, davlat muassasalarida va davlat ishtirokidagi tashkilotlarda jismoniy va yuridik shaxslarning murojaatlari bilan ishlash tartibi to‘g‘risidagi Namunaviy nizomni tasdiqlash haqida”gi 341-son qarori // URL: https://lex.uz/docs/-3730228.

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