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Association, financing, forum, state program, expert group, public association, association, civil society, appeals, legal initiative.


In this article, the activities of the National Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations of Uzbekistan, the legal framework of its organization, its role in society and its contribution to the social sphere, as well as the activities of the Association for the Development of NGOs, were studied on the basis of analytical data. In order to implement the concept of building a civil society in Uzbekistan, the reforms carried out and implemented by the Association were especially noted. This study was conducted in order to analyze the scope of the activities of the Association, which coordinates NGOs in the whole country, the shortcomings and mistakes made in the implementation of its main goals, and to ensure its legal solution. The article analyzed the statistical data on the annual activities of the Association and expressed a possible opinion on future activities. The role of the association in mutual cooperation with state authorities and administration, its importance in holding a number of international and regional events and memorandums is described.

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