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Регулирование, право, правовая природа, строительство, жилище, долевое участие, договор, дольщик, застройщик, страхование, риск, признак, права, обязанности.


The article is devoted to the study of the legal aspect of one of the forms of citizens' participation in the construction of residential objects, widely spread nowadays in Uzbekistan - shared construction of apartment buildings. Citizens' participation in shared construction is not an invention of our economy. Such form of participation in capital construction and solution of the issue of improvement of housing conditions by citizens has been known in the world practice for a long time. However, at present in Uzbekistan share construction creates rather acute problems, which are expressed in violation of the rights of shareholders, lack of guarantees of safety of their invested funds in construction, high degree of risk when participating in such construction. This situation has developed, among other things, due to insufficient regulation of legal relations in this area, which was facilitated by the long absence of normative-legal acts directly regulating this sphere. Proceeding from this, the topic of the article is extremely relevant. In the present article the questions of legal regulation of share housing construction are considered, an attempt of legal qualification of the contract of share construction is made, its features and signs are considered, proposals on improvement of the legislation in this sphere are stated.

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Всеобщая декларация прав человека, принятая на третьей сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН резолюцией 217 А (III) от 10 декабря 1948 г. // URL: https://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/declhr.shtml.

Международный пакт об экономических, социальных и культурных правах от 16 декабря 1966г. // URL: https://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/pactecon.shtml.

Постановление Президента Республики Узбекистан от 27.05.2020 г. № ПП-4732 «О мерах по регулированию процесса долевого строительства многоквартирных домов» // URL: https://lex.uz/ru/docs/4831140.

Fast-track предполагает единовременное проектирование и строительство с последующей сдачей готового объекта.

Романец Ю.В. Система договоров в гражданском праве России: монография / Ю.В.Романец – 2-е изд. перераб. и доп.- М.: НОРМА: ИНФРА-М, 2019.