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Ключевые слова

следы и повреждения на одежде, следы одежды, объемные и поверхностные следы, следы-отслоения и следы-наслоения, следы давления и следы скольжения, статические и динамические следы, методы обнаружения и фиксации следов, судебно-трасологическая экспертиза, механизм образования следов одежды, видимые следы следы, невидимые (слабо видимые) следы, предварительные исследования следов ткани, общие и частные признаки следов ткани, криминалистическая характеристика следов ткани.


The article explores the importance of studies of traces on clothing and existing injuries in the activities of forensic investigative bodies, the issues of traces of clothing and their signs, the specifics of identifying and fixing these traces. The types of traces of clothing fabric that can be detected at the scene of the incident, the mechanisms of trace formation, methods and methods of detecting, registering and obtaining trace data are highlighted. The initial studies of tissue traces, the purpose and objectives of these studies, as well as the problems encountered in this process were studied. Based on the analysis of investigative expert practice and theoretical views of forensic scientists, the procedure and procedure for criminalistic description of the characteristics of tissue traces were proposed.

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Библиографические ссылки

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