Kalit so‘zlar

халқаро ва минтақавий ҳужжатлар, суд ҳокимияти мустақиллиги, мустақил ва холис суд, суднинг индивидуал ва институционал мустақиллиги.


Мақолада ишнинг мустақил ва холис суд томонидан кўриб чиқилиши ҳуқуқи оид халқаро ва минтақавий ҳужжатлар ўрганилган. Универсал ва минтақавий шартномаларда ишнинг мустақил ва холис судлар томонидан адолатли кўриб чиқилиши ҳуқуқи таҳлил қилинган. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Конституцияси ва қонунларига соҳага оид халқаро стандартларни имплементация қилиш бўйича хулосалар қилинган.


Библиографические ссылки

Инсон ҳуқуқлари умумжаҳон декларацияси. Инсон ҳуқуқлари бўйича халқаро шартномалар: тўплами. –Тошкент: “Адолат”, 2004. –Б.32. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The collection of International human rights treaties:. –Tashkent: “Adolat”, 2004. –P.32.)

“Фуқаролик ва сиёсий ҳуқуқлар тўғрисида”ги халқаро пакт. Инсон ҳуқуқлари бўйича халқаро шартномалар: тўплами. –Тошкент: “Адолат”, 2004. –Б.41.(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The collection of International human rights treaties. –Tashkent: “Adolat”, 2004. –P.41.)

González del Rio v Peru, HRC Communication 263/1987, UN Doc CCPR/C/46/D/263/1987.

Международная конвенция о защите прав всех трудящихся-мигрантов и членов их семей. Принята резолюцией 45/158 Генеральной Ассамблеи от 18 декабря 1990 года. https://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/migrant3.shtml.(The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Migrant Workers and Members of Families. Adopted by General Assembly resolution 45/158 of December 18, 1990. https://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/migrant3.shtml.)

Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Rome, 04/11/1950. https://www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/full-list/-/conventions/treaty/005.

Руководящие принципы в области прав человека и борьбы с терроризмом. Утвержденным на 304-ом заседании Кабинета Министров 11 июля 2002 г. http://www.concourt.am/hr/rus/h-inf(2002)8rus.pdf.(Guidelines on human rights and the fight against terrorism. Approved at the 304th meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 11, 2002. http://www.concourt.am/hr/rus/h-inf(2002)8rus.pdf.)

Хартия Европейского союза об основных правах. https://eulaw.ru/treaties/charter. (European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights. https://eulaw.ru/treaties/charter.)

Beijing Declaration on the Principles of the Independence of the Judiciary, adopted in 1995 by the Sixth Conference of Chief Judges of Asia and the Pacific. https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/other_documents/section1/1995/08/beijing-statement-of-principles-of-the-independence-of-the-judiciary-in-the-lawasia-region-beijing-1.html.

American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man (1948)(Adopted at the Ninth International Conference of American States, Bogota, Colombia, 2 May 1948)https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Education/Training/Compilation/Pages/2AmericanDeclarationoftheRightsandDutiesofMan(1948).aspx.

American Convention on Human Rights: "Pact of San José, Costa Rica". Signed at San José, Costa Rica, on 22 No vember 1969. Registered by the Organization of American States on 27 August 1979. https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%201144/volume-1144-I-17955-English.pdf.

African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Concluded at Nairobi on 27 June 1981. https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%201520/volume-1520-I-26363-English.pdf.

African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Concluded at Nairobi on 27 June 1981. https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%201520/volume-1520-I-26363-English.pdf.

Resolution on the Respect and the Strengthening on the Independence of the Judiciary - ACHPR/Res.21(XIX)96 https://www.achpr.org/sessions/resolutions?id=26.

Дополнительный протокол к Женевским конвенциям от 12 августа 1949 года, касающийся защиты жертв международных вооруженных конфликтов (протокол I) Женева, 8 июня 1977 года. https://lex.uz/docs/2674806. (Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 concerning the protection of victims of international armed conflict (Protocol I) Geneva, 8 June 1977. https://lex.uz/docs/2674806.)

Юристларнинг ролига тааллуқли асосий принциплар. БМТнинг Жиноятчиликнинг олдини олиш ва ҳуқуқбузарлар билан муомала қилиш бўйича 8-Конгресси томонидан қабул қилинган. Гавана, Куба, 1990 й. 27-август – 7сентябрь. // Ҳуқуқни муҳофаза қилиш органларига оид халқаро ҳужжатлар: тўплам. -Тошкент: “Адолат”, 2004. -Б.169-175. (Basic principles pertaining to the role of lawyers. Adopted by the 8th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Dealing with Offenders. Havana, Cuba, 1990 August 27 - September 7. // International law enforcement documents: collection. -Tashkent: “Adolat”, 2004. -P.169-175.)

“Фуқаролик ва сиёсий ҳуқуқлар тўғрисида”ги халқаро пакт. // Инсон ҳуқуқлари бўйича халқаро шартномалар: тўплами. –Тошкент: “Адолат”, 2004. –Б. 42. (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The collection of International human rights treaties. –Tashkent: “Adolat”, 2004. –P.41.)

БМТнинг Судьялар ва адвокатлар мустақиллиги бўйича махсус маърузачиси Диего Гарсия – Саяннинг Ўзбекистонга расмий ташриф натижалари бўйича дастлабки мулоҳазалар// http://www.un.uz/uzb/news/display/348. (UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Advocates Diego Garcia - Preliminary comments on the results of Sayan's official visit to Uzbekistan. http://www.un.uz/uzb/news/display/348.)

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Конституцияси. “Ўзбекистон”, -Т.:2018.-Б. 64. (Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. “Uzbekistan”, -T .: 2018.-P. 64.)

Ўзбекистон Республикасининг “Судлар тўғрисида”ги 2000 йил 14 декабрдаги янги таҳрирдаги қонуни. //Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий Мажлиси палаталарининг Ахборотномаси, 2019 й., 2-сон, 47-модда. (Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Courts" of December 14, 2000 in the new edition. // Bulletin of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2019, No. 2, Article 47.)

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Конституцияси. “Ўзбекистон”, -Т.:2018. Б.64-65. (Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. “Uzbekistan”, -T .: 2018. P.64-65.)