The article is devoted to current issues of ensuring gender equality in the sphere of labor relations based on international legal norms and requirements. The key international documents aimed at ensuring gender equality and protecting the rights of women and men in the sphere of labor are considered, including the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and UN documents. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of existing obstacles to gender equality, such as gender discrimination in the workplace, the gender pay gap, as well as unequal opportunities for career growth and promotion. The author studies the processes of implementing international standards in national legislation of different countries and comments on the effectiveness of their application. Also discussed are ways to improve law enforcement practice, the need to develop new mechanisms for monitoring compliance with gender equality in the sphere of labor.
International Labour Standards// URL: https://www.ilo.org/international-labour-standards;
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Ayollar mehnati: xalqaro va milliy qonunchilik // URL: https://huquqburch.uz/ayollar-mehnati-xalqaro-va-milliy-qonunchilik/;
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Ишлаётган аёллар ва эркаклар учун тенг муносабатлар ва тенг имкониятлар: оилавий мажбуриятларга эга ишчилар тўғрисидаги Конвенция // URL:// https://www.lex.uz/docs/7100069.