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internet, international law, convention, commercial, consumer, damage, liability, contract, agreement, parties.


This article analyzes the problems of identification and protection of rights in the sale of goods and services to consumers via the Internet, complicated by a foreign element, and provides some feedback on their solutions. The author analyzes the scientific and theoretical aspects of determining whether online trade or service is different from trade and service in traditional retail outlets and consumer services, and the right to compensation for damage caused to consumers as a result of breach of contract. In particular, it analyzes civil legal relations, ranging from the daily exchange of information to the conclusion and conclusion of contracts for the establishment and implementation of trade and service relations, the formation and operation of e-commerce, which is very convenient for the consumer. Goods and services sold to the consumer via the Internet the issues of which state court the consumer should apply to in order to protect their rights in case of poor quality and defective services were analyzed and considered in detail. On the basis of these analyzes, scientific and theoretical conclusions have been drawn on the improvement of national legislation.

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