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symbols of law, legal semiotics, morality of law, national will and goals, model of legal behavior.


In modern conditions of deepening globalization processes, the importance of social dialogue is increasing, and in legal science and practice, more attention is paid to studying the role of law as a means and product of social communication. Law is perceived as a model of legal communication for conveying the will and goals of society to members of society. Today, the idea of   the existence of an ideal model of legislation is being criticized, and the fact that the legislator and the law enforcer, as a machine, come to the same logical conclusions. It is necessary to investigate an issue that the same content of the norms leads to different understanding and results among peoples belonging to different cultures. In this regard, it is relevant to discuss the level of morality of law in the context of studying the symbols of law that connect national culture, values   and traditions with legal norms, legal consciousness and legal culture. The article examines the level of morality of law from the point of view of legal naturalism, legal positivism and the study of symbols of law.

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