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пожилые лица, права пожилых, старение населения, уязвимая категория населения, особый уход, социальное обеспечение, недискриминация, экономическая маргинализация, домашнее насилие, международные стандарты по защите прав пожилых, право на здоровье.


This article is devoted to the rights of the elderly as a vulnerable category of the population in need of special protection and attention from both the State and the international community. The article comprehensively analyzes the problems of violation of the rights of the elderly, the aging of the population at the global level and presents solutions, which are mostly reflected in international documents. The best practices of foreign countries were studied, where the practice of European countries was mostly discussed, based on the standard of living of the population, the rule of law and the approach to the problem of ensuring the rights of the elderly. Trends in the protection of the rights of older persons in some CIS countries, as well as legal gaps that exist today in the world, have been identified. The need to recognize the special situation of the elderly at the legislative level has been proved.

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