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digital procedural legal doctrine, digital justice, digital procedural legal features, procedural form of digitalization, legislation on digital court, digital justice, online dispute resolution, digital court platform.


This article is the first to systematically explore the concept and essence of the scientific doctrine of the transition to digital procedural justice. Digital procedural features of online dispute resolution are covered. The basics of introducing information and communication technologies and digital procedures in the conduct of digital court cases are described. Issues of expanding the types of interactive electronic services provided to citizens and business entities, and ensuring online monitoring of the process of considering each appeal are also analyzed. The basics of expanding the possibility of participating in court hearings remotely, including through mobile devices and other forms of electronic interaction, as well as issues of ensuring information and cyber security of information systems, databases and other court software products are considered. Based on the results of the study, the author's approaches and scientific conceptual points of view on problem-target issues related to the transition to digital procedural justice are substantiated.

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