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мажбурий лицензия, патент, ихтиро, фармацевтика, ТРИПС, Адлия вазирлиги, саноат мулки объектлари, суд амалиёти


This article discusses issues related to mandatory licensing procedures for industrial property, in particular inventions and utility models, the history of their origin, and the norms of Uzbek legislation. In particular, the conditions of the compulsory license, the relationship between the patent holder and the user, the tasks of the competent authority, aspects related to the application of legislation in practice arising from the norms of the TRIPS agreement of the World Trade Organization were studied, and analytical materials were presented. The article also examines the experience of a number of foreign countries in this area and their judicial practice. In addition, scientific and theoretical conclusions have been drawn about the role of compulsory licensing in maintaining a balance between protecting the rights of patent holders and promoting public interests in the use of important technologies and innovations.

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