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bioethics, the latest biomedical technologies, the COVID-19 pandemic, the institute of informed consent, patient rights, human rights, moral aspects, time pressure regime, equitable distribution of all available resources, restrictive measures, accessibility, non-discrimination.


The purpose of this article is to examine the role that bioethical science plays in protecting patients’ rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, bioethics is viewed as a means of observing human morality during the development of modern biomedical technologies and the threat to human health. As human rights of a new generation - somatic rights - are developed, bioethical science plays an increasingly important role. Currently, there are no international standards covering both ethical and legal aspects of somatic rights. As a result of modern threats to humanity, international standards, and foreign experiences, bioethical science plays an increasingly important role in ensuring bioethical norms. In this article, we identify the challenges of protecting the rights of vulnerable categories of patients during a pandemic, as well as the importance of solving these problems from the perspective of modern bioethics. Based on the study, mechanisms were proposed for improving the activities of national ethics committees, which could serve as a national mechanism for implementing bioethical norms. Accordingly, international law requires that ethical committees participate permanently in decision-making and consider bioethical problems by expanding their powers and involving them in lawmaking.

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