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partnership, simple partnership, legal personality, legal entity, investment, capital.


The article is devoted to the study of the legal nature and application of the simple partnership agreement in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author analyzes the historical development of the simple partnership institution, starting from Roman law, and its evolution in various legal systems, including French and German. The main focus is on how the simple partnership agreement functions in modern conditions and what legal and economic advantages it provides to participants. The purpose of the study is to assess the current state of legal regulation of simple partnerships in Uzbekistan and identify key legal problems associated with its application. In particular, issues of legal personality, tax accounting, and the possibility of foreign participation in simple partnerships are considered. As a result of the study, the author concludes that it is necessary to modernize the legislation of Uzbekistan to improve the legal framework for simple partnerships. This includes the unification of terms, elimination of gaps in the legislation, and providing all individuals with the right to enter into simple partnership agreements.

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