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ЖСТ, ТРИПС битими, техник тартибга солиш, мутлақ ҳуқуқлар, лицензия шартномалари, параллел импорт, балласт шартлар, маданий қароқчилик, мувофиқлик сертификати, аккредитация.


This scientific article examines the effectiveness of organizational and legal measures that should ensure the membership of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the WTO. It is argued that the WTO as an economic legal space personifies a single world market and that is why the civil law impact on it should be dominant. However, these circumstances in no way weaken the basis of state sovereignty and state jurisdiction. The most important condition for WTO membership is our country’s accession to the TRIPS agreement. This agreement is defined by a system of strict enforcement of intellectual rights in the field of trade. The author, noting the successful implementation of the harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the TRIPS agreement, critically comprehends the trends, orientations in this area, not the minimum, but the maximum requirements. Attention is focused on the use of reservations when acceding to the TRIPS agreement. At the initial stage of the negotiation processes, it is important to have ballast technologies and their successful use to achieve consensus. It also reveals the essence of the mechanism of technical regulation, its relationship with legal regulation, as well as its importance for ensuring the proper quality of goods, works and services.

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