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share, value of a share, alienation of the share, shareholder, limited liability company, the right of the pre-emptive purchase, transfer of the rights and obligations of the buyer.


This article highlights the concepts of the authorized capital of a limited liability company, its composition, shares, value of the share and distinctive aspects of value, grounds for the sale of a share at the value established by law, methods of disposal of shares, observance of the stages of sale and purchase of shares, at the same time, problems and suggestions for their elimination, the right of pre-emptive purchase, specifics of selling a share at an auction, the procedure for the assignment of a share of a company participant in a way other than the sale and circumstances to which attention must be paid, conflict of laws rules in regulatory legal acts governing corporate disputes on the alienation of a share, proposals to them, analysis of court practice in corporate disputes, with reference to legal proceedings, as well as clarifications in the decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the application of legislation.

PDF (O'zbek)


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