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корпорация, общество, компания, юридическое лицо, ограниченная ответственность, акционерное общество.


The article examines the essence of the changes taking place in the legislation on limited liability companies, the position of the drafters and members of the working group on some important issues. The article draws attention to the fact that a limited liability company is a product of a joint stock company, in which the exit and entry of members is complicated. The author points out that the Uzbek model should apply ideas and mechanisms from the German or British model of limited liability companies. The article draws attention to some practical problems caused by legislation, in particular, the problems of a company with additional liability, issues of artificially limiting the number of members, problems of the right to exit the the company, nuances with the transfer of shares and the protection of creditors from internal corporate disagreements. The author draws attention to the fact that the reforms carried out in relation to a limited liability company should be carried out only basing on the principles and doctrine embedded in this form of business organization.

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